Thanks for playing the SHAREWARE version of our fantasy role-playing game, "Citadel of the Dead"! We feel that it is one of the best magic and myth style games on the market (normally retailing for $24.95). Note that some of the publications which have given us excellent ratings are: Computer Player (7 stars out of 10), as well as MacHome Journal (4 stars out of 5), and others as well!
We have recently decided to release this version as free shareware!
A few of the features of the game include:
• Exciting 256-color graphics.
• Digitized sound effects.
• Dozens of magic & cleric spells to work with.
• Over 75 different weapons, equipment and accessories to find.
• Over 100 different & horrifying creatures to do battle with.
• And more…
Why Registered Shareware?
- Because this version does not come with a manual (highly recommended in order to play Citadel of the Dead). In order to obtain the manual, we ask that you send $10 to: RJ Best, P.O. Box 186, Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712.
- By becoming a registered user, you will receive: customer support, Tips & Techniques, and the first to receive any future updates.
Technical Notes:
- "Citadel of the Dead", like many other games, does not run well with screen savers (such as AfterDark, Pyro, etc.). We recommend that you turn off any screen savers before playing it.
- Although we have done extensive testing to avoid init conflicts we may have missed one or two. So if you find you have problems when attempting to run "Citadel of the Dead", turn your inits off and try will probably work this time.
- Saved games must be "opened" through the menu (double-clicking on them will launch the game, but NOT open the datafile!)
System Requirements:
"Citadel of the Dead" requires at least:
- 2 Meg of RAM with System 6.0.5 & above.
- 2.5 Meg of RAM with System 7.0 & above.
- High density disk drive.
- A monitor capable of supporting 256 colors or 256-greyscale.
- Color QuickDraw with System 6.0.5 & above.
If you are unsure of how your system is configured, contact your dealer.
Playing Notes:
Citadel of the Dead can seem to be a very complex, often confusing game. But after a few times of playing, you will become gradually acquainted with the general rules of play (for more information, please read our manual which comes with the regular version). There are a few instructions below to get you started:
1.) If this is your first time playing "Citadel of the Dead", start the game and enter the 'Roller' (by clicking on its icon) to roll new characters. Roll four characters (of various types).
2.) Enter the tavern (by clicking on its icon); your newly rolled characters will be there waiting for you to pick them up. Click on the check box to the left of each character, this adds that character to your party (their name and stats appear on the right side of the screen). Exit the tavern.
3.) Next click on the first character's button (on the upper right hand side of the screen) then enter the Store (by clicking on its icon). Select a Torch, Dagger, and Cloak for each character by clicking on the check box next to these items. When finished, exit the Store and click on the next character's button, enter the Store again. Repeat step 3 for all characters until all have equipment. You will definitely need to read the manual or experiment on your own to discover what types of characters can use what types of equipment since not all types of characters can equip all types of equipment.
4.) Now enter the dungeon (by clicking on its icon). All you see is a dark screen. Click on the "Items" button for any character, and now light your Torch by holding the OPTION key down and clicking on its icon. Follow this by holding the OPTION key down and clicking on all of your other item icons for EACH character. You have now equipped all of your equipment and are free to roam around the dungeon (make sure you don't drift too far away from the stairs). And take lots of torches, they burn out frequently!
5.) When you encounter a beastie, you can fight, parry, cast a magic spell, or use a magical item (which you won't have yet). Experiment around, but remember that characters take their turns sequentially (from top to bottom) and each character has a limited time to decide what to do. The message update window (directly below the middle dungeon screen) will tell you whose turn it is (or how much damage each character is sustaining from hits from creatures).
6.) When the encounter is over (hopefully you've won), go back up the stairs and cure any damage in the House of Healing, by clicking on the character's button you wish to heal, and then the House of Healing icon. When your entire party is cured, you're ready for more fighting in the dungeon! If you haven't won, you will be able to roll new characters and begin again.
We recommend that after registering, you read the entire game manual before playing so you have a complete understanding on spells, magical items, traps and treasure, strategy, and many other general playing information.
Thanks for playing "Citadel of the Dead", we hope you get many hours of exciting entertainment from it. Sincerely,
The Creatures & Developers of "Citadel of the Dead"